SESC’s aircraft expertise includes: (i) system integration and design, trial install, kit proofing, and related testing and production support, (ii) generation of engineering drawings, generation of associated technical orders and related technical documents, and (iii) performing analyses (e.g., engineering reports for systems safety, weight, balance, stress, and electrical load analysis). Highlights of some of our current and past programs / projects are as follows:
UH- 1N Cryptographic Modernization
The UH-1N helicopter is assigned several national level contingency missions. The purpose of this requirement was to provide an update to the current cryptographic devices within the ARC-231 to the required minimum cryptographic classification, while on move with ground to air. SESC provided the NRE necessary to design the integration of the KY-58 units with Group A Kit into UH-1N aircraft; the design analysis and test of the affected area addressing the aircraft structure, attaching structure, control system, & installation changes; conducted a trial installation on a selected aircraft utilizing a prototype trial
installation kit; provided production installation kits and provided production kit installation; QT&E support; kit Packaging, Handling, Shipping, and Transportation; logistics support; engineering data; and technical order development and updates. SESC also provided engineering support during trial installation, kit proof, Qualification Testing and Evaluation (QT&E) and manufacturing of production Group A kits.
MC-130J ‘Technical Support Services’
The Air Force Special Operations Command MC–130J Commando multi-mission combat transport/special operations tanker delivers increased combat performance to the warfighter with its unique mission features. SESC is providing on-demand systems engineering and technical liaison services to support the MC-130J system/subsystems and their integration into the aircraft. The system services include analytical engineering, system integration engineering, the development of engineering design packages, and the updating and providing source data of applicable technical data and manuals.
Specific tasks performed by SESC on the MC-130J Technical Support Services Contract to date have included:
- Commonality Baseline Program (3D Scan)
- CR Prep Modification Consolidation
- Special Mission Pallet (SMP) Power On Modification
- Defensive System Upgrade (DSU)
- Electronic Warfare (EW) Bus
- CFT Installations
MC-130W ‘Dragon Spear
Developed by Air Force Special Operations Command, ‘Dragon Spear’ is the roll-on, roll-off Precision Strike Package used on MC-130W aircraft in AFSOC’s inventory. This capability allows aircrew to provide precision strike weaponry on the battlefield, as well as dual high-definition Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Surveillance targeting sensors, multiple video uplinks, downlinks and communications advancements.

Strategic Enterprise Solutions Corp. (SESC), a sub-contractor to L3 COM TCS provided Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) and Operational Safety, Suitability, and Effectiveness (OSS&E) support for the DS Program. More specifically, SESC provided MC-130W aircraft modification services and systems engineering services for; design, integration, test and production of the DS aircraft; engineering / tech data, and testing support.
Royal Korean Air Force (ROKAF) C-130H High Speed Low Level Aerial Delivery System (HSLLADS)
The Korean C-130H HSLLADS modification was designed and integrated by SESC for Elbit Systems, Israel. HSLLADS provides the ROKAF the capability to accomplish specialized airdrop procedures at airspeeds up to 250 knots, and at altitudes as low as 250 feet above ground level (AGL), by adding structural reinforcement to the tail support side walls, and by installing buffer boards to reduce air turbulence on the cargo ramp. The system uses a Sling Ejection Delivery System (SEDS) to airdrop single or multiple containers.

SESC provided installation design, kits manufacturing, Technical Order (TO) supplements, engineering data, and On-the-Job Training (OJT) for installation of HSLLADS on Korean C-130H aircraft. SESC also provided program management, defined subcontractor/vendor relationships/responsibilities, authorized plans/activities to manage the technical performance, cost, and schedule portion of the Program. Further, SESC provided the Royal Korean Air Force MC-130 training for understanding of airworthiness policy, implementation procedures, and individual and organizational responsibilities. Highlights of the training included: Disciplined airworthiness and systems engineering processes: Traceability to a defined requirement; Traceability to test/analysis results for substantiation and Developing Trained/Qualified personnel. SESC completed the HSLLADS program on cost and ahead of schedule.
Army UH-60L Conversion to Air Force HH-60G (L2G)HH-60G Pave Hawk Operational Loss Replacement (OLR) helicopters are used to conduct combat search and rescue operations. The OLR program restores the service’s HH-60G fleet to its authorized size, replacing aircraft lost in after years of deployed combat operations since 9/11. The Air Force acquired 21 UH-60Ls from the Army and added a comprehensive kit of modifications and additional equipment to convert them into HH-60Gs. The result is the HH-60G OLR, a completely re-missionized helicopter that is fully capable of successfully executing the combat rescue mission.

The re-missionized helicopters realized a marked improvement in sustainability such as, numerous aging and obsolescent systems modernized to match today’s state-of-the-art capabilities. These include color weather radar, a digital symbol generator, improved tactical air navigation, new radar warning receivers, an automatic direction finder, and a digital intercommunication system. Science and Engineering Services LLC (SES) of Huntsville, AL was the prime contractor chosen to modify the initial UH-60L aircraft. Strategic Enterprise Solutions Corp. (SESC) as a subcontractor to SES provided aircraft modification capabilities, resources and experience for analyzing and developing modification engineering solutions and producing engineering, technical data, and technical order support for the H-60 L2G conversion program using our HH-60G experienced mechanical and avionics engineering, integration, and installation past performance relevant to the H-60 L2G Conversion Program.