Strategic Enterprise Solutions Corporation (SESC) understands the key components of logistics, supply chain and support. More times than not, there often can be a miss understanding that logistics can be a secondary tier of the systems design process. However, SESC understoods that systems engineering technical design during the acquisition / development and sustainment /modification phases generally drive logistics, supportability and life-cycle costs in one direction or the other; up if Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is not properly addressed up front and early, or down if appropriately addressed. Additionally, there is an important cause-and-effect relationship between systems engineering and ILS that engineers, program managers and logistics personnel need to be aware of and account for in their program support activities. To that end, SESC provides ILS capability in the following areas:
- Reliability and Maintainability
- Warehouse Operations
- Transportation Services
- Order, Stock, Issue
- Integrated Logistics
- Property Control and Management
- Life Cycle Support
- Kit Design & Development
- Supply Chain Management
- Logistics Management and Support Services
- Trial Install / Kit Proof
- Production Installation
- Bonded Storage
- Shipping & Receiving
- Facilities Support